Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Continually Upset

I am continually upset about the way K's parents treat her and our relationship. And the hardest part is that there really is no way to fix it without conversations that may never happen. I've been confronted with some hard thoughts over the past week, wondering if our wedding/marriage can really happen without their support.

After getting kicked out of my house as a young adult, I changed the way I interacted with my parents once we reconciled. Their opinions no longer carried the same weight, the decisions they wanted me to make stopped being commandments and started being optional. This has been a wonderful thing for me as they have learned to support me without enabling me. Something K's parents have yet to learn to do for their children.

On Sunday, we were at K's BFF's son's 2nd birthday party with her grandmother and mother. This was a setting I was already uncomfortable in as the people in this setting don't approve of K and I, nor have they ever been friendly to me. So, it was nice when someone K went to high school with spoke to me and asked questions. As she was asking me questions, she asked both K and I if we wanted kids. I immediately responded "yes" and K immediately responded "not sure". I looked around and saw K's mom walking away from our conversation. I made a comment to K about how her answer changed based on if her mom was listening or not, she mumbled some response and it was very uncomfortable and awkward.

I spent the rest of the day fighting off tears thinking that there was no way for our relationship to move forward. We had a fight in the car where I basically made an ultimatum, we need to break up or I can no longer spend time with both K and her mom in public, accusing K of either lying to me or her mom. She stated that she is fearful of the criticism she receives from her mom and so that is why she lies to her mom.

We haven't had another pre-marital counseling session since we came back from Alaska. We need one. I have so much I want to rant at her parents about. How much they have hurt her and affected our relationship. I'm not sure what to do or how we move forward when her family wont have hard conversations. 

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