Monday, March 30, 2020

Posterity Post

To my future kids and grandkids:

1. Today is day 15 of social isolation.
2. On 3/12, people started panic buying groceries. I'm sad to say we did too, but part of my anxiety stems from not being prepared. We bought $500 worth of groceries. We are still eating off of the groceries we already bought (with 2 supplemental purchases, pasta is a hot commodity, we even made homemade pasta yesterday)
3.  K and I have both been working from home. I'm in the living room since my job has transitioned finally and I am on the phone less. K calls her work from home life, "Conference call hell." She is on 5-6 video conference calls per day plus regular calls intermittently.
4. I am struggling with making my parents completely stay at home. I had an emotional reaction to hearing they went inside the grocery store in the middle of the day when we had settled on pickup or delivery. K has tried to rationalize with me since then, but my friend, H, is an ICU nurse and has been sending me pictures of her safety procedures. If either of them were to get sick with massive complications, there are no visitors at all allowed at the hospital. People are dying alone without family getting to say goodbye to them.
5. As of today, I trust very few people to advise on the best course of action.
6. I do not mind in the least that we have been forced to slow down and be present. I'm incredibly sad though that it has to happen due illness and death.
7. K and I are starting to get on each other's nerves a smidge. She is endlessly mad about this project that her boss has assigned her. In the meantime, I'm avoiding busy work by writing this post lol
8. Truly, I've been able to move into a paralegal role in the last two weeks more than I have in the last 2 years. I've advocated for a client for public benefits and drafted half a dozen petitions/pleadings. Now to just finish the pesky senior paralegal app.

More later, that's all for today.

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