Friday, July 17, 2020

Friends and Feelings

Wrote this on day 129, but today is actually day 136 :(

Well.... Day 129 and I'm in the office today. Waiting for my boss to give me the documents I need to complete a task. But, I am not in the office everyday. I go in once every 2-3 weeks. There are only 5 people in the building and I have zero interaction with them.

Last week was a shit show. K's best friends decided to gang up on her emotionally about our newest wedding decision. I last wrote on 6/10 that we decided to elope. That didn't last long. K's mom really wanted to be there. So, we decided to have 10 people come to a small ceremony in Savannah. Then new restrictions and the cases rising made us reconsider. We are now settled into having a Zoom ceremony where everyone can attended via the internet. K is excited about the possibilities of it.

BUT, her two best friends are being total dicks about it now and making it about their feelings instead of our wedding. Honestly, the same questions keep getting brought up. Why are you doing it like this? Why don't you wait until 2021? Why don't you have the justice of the peace legally marry you and then have a ceremony next year? Why, why, why, why! I'm so incredibly sick of fielding questions about our decisions. If you haven't taken the time to consider the position we are in with our whole situation and then tell us you don't understand or it doesn't sound like what we want.... You're right! It isn't what we want! But we are living in a global pandemic and in 2019 we decided to wait for the UMC general conference that was postponed this year. We are tired of putting our life on hold for other people. We are ready to start our lives being married to one another. We want to begin creating a family.

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