Monday, April 30, 2018

All of the Friends

This weekend was slightly chaotic. Last week, friends from Vermont wanted to come down and stay with us while they looked into possibly moving down here. We agreed without thinking about the fact that we had to dog sit (again, not complaining at all! we are paid for it) for P & E. We set up the guest room in the condo beautifully only to have them stay with us for two nights at P & E's house. Also, we missed out on going to the mountain cabin with K & N and K & E :(

Then, C had a party at her house to celebrate the beginning of her renovation with M expanding the house for the both of them. Unfortunately, something I ate made me so sick that I relived my early days of living with C and getting so drunk that I slept on the bathroom floor. Sad that I didn't get to spend more time with them and puking sucks in general.

Finally, we saw Avengers: Infinity War with K & E (who are always fun to hang with), but they killed off half of the damn universe and my anxiety level was at a 10 during the whole movie! PS- spoiler alert ;)

Hopefully this week flies by because... HARRY POTTER!! The insane trip that is 7 charter buses and almost 200 girl scouts to Orlando overnight and back in 72 hours begins! I'm embarrassingly excited to get to ride the train to Hogwarts and see all of the HP glory at Universal. Friday cannot come soon enough.

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