Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Not My Best

K asked me for help this morning editing a document. Unfortunately, the timing was poor. It was already 5 minutes after I usually leave for work. So, I sent off a text that I would be late into the office and started to task. It took me a lot longer than I wanted it to take. Then, I lashed out at K about it and how I could've easily finished this at my desk at work rather than giving her what I did, which was less than my best effort, because I was frustrated that it needed to happen right then and there.

I have a tendency to lash out at the people I love, then regret it and apologize later. I think I need more introspection to figure out this behavior and how to eliminate it. Often, I refer to myself as the "first son" from the parable in Matthew. I get the job done, but not without voicing my displeasure. Truly, I want to be the person who is tasked with something and does it with pleasure. Hopefully, I'll get there someday.

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