Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Well, the trip to Harry Potter World was extremely eventful. Let's start with that I got vertigo the morning we were leaving and ended up going to the E.R. because of an overly cautious urgent care doctor who said that I was presenting atypically for vertigo only to be told, yup, it is vertigo.

We had to rush to pack and then I went with K to her colleague's camp house to sleep until we had to leave to prepare for the 300+ people. The buses were late, the buses were not up to the standards that we expected, then at 3 AM on the way down, one of the buses had to be sent back home because the shocks were broken on it. Then another bus had a broken bumper, one didn't have a bathroom, it was all just a hot mess. Finally made it to Orlando around 9:00 AM and changed clothes to prepare to go to the park.

The park... it was completely and utterly magical! The atmosphere, watching the wand ceremony (I got chills and teary), all of the shops and iconic items. Then, the lights show at the Hogwarts castle at night with fireworks! I've never felt more like a little kid and so excited to see all of it. So glad that E & K were with us! Unfortunately, I didn't get to ride anything except the train, but the experience was extraordinary.

The trip home was even worse for buses, two more broke down in Valdosta and K had to stay behind to wait for replacements. I got back around 6:00 and K finally got back around 10:00 PM. We were exhausted to say the least and slept 12 hours into the next day.

The only bad part is that I did "treat myself" with all of the food I am trying to avoid. I didn't feel deprived, but I did go over all of my points for the day, week, and my fit points. When I weighed myself on Monday, I had gained 3 pounds back. Ugh. So, back to the grind, ate within my points yesterday and have a plan for this week.

Now, if only the vertigo wasn't killing me since I cannot take the medicine and drive/work... 

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